Monday, November 14, 2011

Conquering that Inner Dragon

Who am I am why am I here? To be honest, I don’t really take myself seriously enough to answer this completely, but I will try. Right now, I can finally say that I have created my own sense of who I am. What I mean is that I don’t feel like I am an echo of my parents anymore, and I credit high-school for this new sense of individuality. “Freshman me” was definitely more of what my parents believe and expect, but now I have challenged those beliefs, and made them in to my own. I think that religion is often times the shape of an individual, so once a person has a solid religion, than they can more in-touch with themselves.  I grew up Catholic and I still am Catholic, but I’m going through a stage where I actually listen to and question what is being preached so that I can decide if Catholicism is right for me. Religion should be a self guided revelation, not something forced upon you. So, I want to make the decision on my own; my parents can certainly be my guides, but they won’t be my determinants. So, right now I’m a bit lost, but I know that I’m headed in the right direction. A year ago, when I really started thinking on my own, I would not have had the slightest clue of who I am or what my purpose is, but it’s becoming clearer. Last year was a year of necessary mistakes (and this year is too- God bless my parents). Some of my past decisions were probably not the best, but I would not be who I am today if I hadn’t made those choices. You live and learn, and those bad mistakes are some of the most important and educational mistakes of my life so far. I have learned to be open-minded and to never judge anybody, because until you have been in a scenario, you have no business judging anyone else’s choices. I have learned that it is worth being nice to everybody; now that I have been open-minded enough to converse with all types of people, I can honestly say that I don’t hate anybody. And I have learned that somebody’s past should not define a person, so don’t let it. So, right now, I am a confused adolescent along with everybody else in my high-school. I have morals that I live by every day, but I am also 17 years old, so I know that those beliefs can change quickly. I am here to impact somebody in a positive light- even if it’s just one person. I am here to save somebody- even if I never know that I helped him or her. We all serve a purpose in life, no matter how miniscule it is. Who am I? I’m an open-minded, accepting, loving, and naive young woman (in a nut-shell). Why am I here? I’m here to make a difference for somebody; to pay it forward. But ask me in five years (or two months), and my answer could be totally different. Right now I’m just going with the flow, making mistakes, and meanwhile having one heck of a time.

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