Monday, January 30, 2012


As was established at the beginning of the play, Hamlet is still the smartest character. That being said, although he may be seemingly insane, I think that he is playing everybody. Hamlet shows his passion for acting when the players come, which suggests that he is good at it. So, although he seems mad, he may just be really good at acting. However, he sort of reminds me of Heath Ledger. He got so deep into his character that he couldn’t get out of it… I sometimes wonder if that is what’s happening to Hamlet. In which case, maybe he is going crazy from trying to act crazy. Hamlet is absolutely a philosopher, so his ideas are deeper than everyone else in the play which could possibly suck him into a fake character. The fact that at one point there is a play inside of Hamlet which is also a play is overwhelming. At that point it seems like Hamlet has detached from reality and has created his own sort of reality. It is like he is a part of his own world, like he knows everything and everybody else is ignorant. It has to be terribly lonely being as intellectually superior as he is. Acting is the only way for him to detach from his actual self and relate to others. That is why he always makes double sided remarks- he has to entertain himself while being socially acceptable. It is like the world is his playground; he does things for his amusement. But being in a world where you are above everyone would either make you crazy out of isolation or just crazy in everybody else’s minds because you aren’t like them. So you’re either crazy in your own eyes or crazy in someone else’s. Soo Hamlet might be going slowly crazy because he is so isolated while he also goes crazy in everybody else’s minds for being different. Hamlet questions, I think, whether there really is an “is”. Are people “being” or are they all “seeming”? Is there such thing as “ising”? or is everybody too much of a tarnished and guarded version of himself to actually be? Also, I wonder if the Pyrrhus story will foreshadow Hamlet’s revenge. Will he choke? And also is his uncle guilty or not. It seems that he is because of his said heavy conscience, but it was also noted that ghosts at night are evil. So is King Hamlet’s ghost the devil? It’s also weird though to think that Hamlet could actually be crazy… Maybe he actually is going insane and is falling under his uncle’s and mom’s spying scheme. But I doubt that. Hamlet is too cool and smart to fall for the shallow plans of his authority. And, whose side are Rosencrantz and Guildenstern on anyway? First they are about to turn on Hamlet, but now they are sort of on his side because they haven’t told the king and queen that he knows. Everybody is so deceiving. 

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