Monday, January 16, 2012


It’s taking me awhile to get used to the language, but I am enjoying Hamlet thus far. Shakespeare truly is amazing. I have never read so much craft within literature which makes me appreciate his work even more. I like how sarcastic and ornery Hamlet is. All of the remarks he makes to his mom and step-dad are very funny and witty. It’s extremely entertaining to see somebody maintain the necessary politeness all the while blatantly calling them out on their flaws. Hamlet has perfected the art of just barely getting away with being arrogant. It’s rather admirable really. I like the fact that although this was written a long time ago, it is still relatable today. Hamlet is yet another angry young adult throwing back rude remarks towards his parents- he’s just way better at it than anybody I know. I do not know anything about this book besides what we have read, so it is hard for me to connect the importance of the themes that we have found. But I am interested in the connection of the father/son theme. Religiously, a father/son relationship most definitely alludes back to God and Jesus. Jesus was sent from God to the earth to save people from sins. Hamlet, the father, dies and thus leaves his son on the earth alone, as does Fortinbras, the father, leave his son. Like Jesus, both of these sons are physically fatherless. However, as the opening scene suggests, King Hamlet is still watching over his kingdom like God watches over his people. And if this play alludes to Jesus and God in anyway, maybe King Hamlet will expect for Hamlet to save the kingdom. Sooo who knows, maybe there will be more Jesus allusions to come.  Additionally, it is disturbing that the Queen and Hamlet’s Uncle are first of all married, and second of all, completely over the King’s death. I mean, I know that people die every day, but how is she already remarried? And to her brother in law for that matter! Twisted stuff. I just wonder how that arrangement even occurred. Why would the queen be okay with so rapidly remarrying her brother in law? It’s as if they have been lovers for a while. These people have to be fools to not understand why Hamlet is mad. The odd thing is that even compared to Hamlet the step-dad is pretty smart. So right now, everybody is playing a bizarre game with one another. Obviously, this situation is abnormal, yet people are continuing on as if all is well. It is like a play within a play. As of now, I am just confused by everything so I’m anxious to see what is in store. As I learned, seeing ghosts at night time is typically not the best sign.. and sleeping with a brother in law probably is not either. Right now, the kingdom is in absolute chaos which of course opens the theme of chaos vs. order… wow there are a lot of connections. 

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